
First, install valarpy with just pip install valarpy. Note that if you are using sauronlab, you only need to install sauronlab.

Tunnel into Valinor

Valarpy connects to Valar through an SSH tunnel; the database is not accessible remotely. There are two modes of connection: Valarpy can either use an existing SSH tunnel or create its own.

Replacing 53419 with a number of your choosing, The port can’t be anything. It needs to be between 1025 and 65535, and I recommend 49152–65535.

create the tunnel using:

ssh -L 53419:localhost:3306

Note that after running it your shell is now on Valinor.

You will need to leave this tunnel open while connecting to Valar. As long the terminal window connection is open, you can access valar through your notebooks.

You can of course alias in your ~/.commonrc. Adding these lines will provide a valinor-tunnel alias:

export valinor_tunnel_port=53419
alias valinor-tunnel='ssh -L ${valinor_tunnel_port}:localhost:3306'

Connect to Valar

You will connect to Valar via that tunnel. An example configuration file is provided in the readme. I recommend downloading it to $HOME/.sauronlab/connection.json. You’ll need to fill in the username and password for the database connection. Although the database users are provided for safety (no write access by default) rather than security, do not put a username and/or password anywhere that’s web-accessible (including GitHub).